Are people bored during the pandemic? Why? A round-up of recent talks and interviews with lab members surrounding boredom and why people might be experiencing it during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Updated 7/7/2020)
Op-Eds/Columns The Conversation - 6 Things You Can Do To Cope with Boredom at a Time of Social Distancing (March 27, 2020) Education Week - What Students Truly Mean When They Say They're Bored (And What To Do About It) (September 9, 2020) News Articles The Washington Post - These are Boom Times for Boredom and the Researchers Who Study It (March 28, 2020) WIRED - This Pandemic is Perilously Boring (March 31, 2020) Gainesville Sun - Alachua County copes with virus' spread, tribulations (March 28, 2020) The Times - Coronavirus Lockdown: Bored Yet? Good (April 5, 2020) The Hill - Booze, Peanut Butter, & Guns: Why Americans' Shopping Lists Changed During Coronavirus (April 5, 2020) Financial Times - How to tap into creativity during lockdown (April 22, 2020) Voice of America - People flock to US hardware stores during Coronavirus pandemic (April 23, 2020) New York Times Op-Ed (Syon Bhanot) - You're Stronger Than Your Quarantine Fatigue (May 5, 2020) CNN - Boredom may have some benefits...if you do it right (May 7, 2020) The Boston Globe - The Difficulty of Doing Nothing (May 31, 2020) The New Yorker - What Does Boredom Do To Us - And For Us? (August 20, 2020) Podcasts 99% Invisible -Interview; The Natural Experiment (May 5, 2020) APA Speaking of Psychology - Interview; The Most Boring Podcast Ever (April 16, 2020) Inside the Chrysalis - King Lear or Existential Crisis? Boredom and Covid (May 29, 2020) Vox, Today Explained - Why Boredom Can Be Good For You (August 15, 2020) Television WCBJ (Gainesville ABC local news) - UF Professor Discusses How to Fight Boredom While Stuck at Home (April 3, 2020) KZTV (Corpus Christi CBS "Costal Living" Feature) - Tackling the Boredom Blues (July 2020) And check out our Reddit AMA! Comments are closed.
October 2022